The Biology Department faculty & staff extend their warmest congratulations and farewells to the Class of 2023. Stay well, do good, and best of luck!
苹果因操作不慎差点提前泄露iOS 14版 有开发者更新前才被 ...:2 天前 · 据推特上的开发者消息 ,苹果似乎出现操作不慎导致 iOS 14 开发者预览版的描述文件被推送给少部分的开发者。获得这伇描述文件意味着开发者可伍检测并获得 iOS 14 开发者预览版 ,不过苹果发现的比较及时迅速撤回文件。
Students in the 2013 offering of "Plant communities of North Carolina" at the summit of Richland Balsam just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Duke students study plant diversity throughout the state.
Professor Bill Morris is measuring alpine plants for a long-term study of the effects of climate change on the abundance and geographical distribution of species.
Renowned animal physiologist Knut Schmidt-Nielsen captured in bronze by artist Jonathan Kingdon. The work was commissioned by Stephen and Ruth Wainwright.
View to the top of the French Family Science Center atrium. The crown jewel of Trinity College of Arts and Sciences research buildings houses Biology, Chemistry and Physics laboratories. Completed in 2007 with a generous donation from Duke alum, Melinda French Gates.
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The Office of Campus Research Development (OCRD) and Duke University Energy Initiative invite Duke... Read More
Our overall goal is to expand and strengthen training opportunities for undergraduates at the cutting edge of our discipline. Our undergraduate education produces young scientists and citizens who understand the scope and perspective of modern biology. We support undergraduate scholarly endeavors, train students for an array of careers in research and related professional fields, and communicate the impact and significance of biology to an array of students. We offer a broad range of learning opportunities, including traditional classroom experiences, hands-on experiences in the field and the laboratory, independent study, and full student engagement in research.
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We conduct research in a broad range of areas: ecology (including behavioral ecology, population biology, community ecology, physiological ecology, ecosystem analysis, and biogeochemistry), functional biology at the cell and molecular level (including cellular physiology, molecular genetics, developmental biology, developmental genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics, in both plant and animal systems), functional biology at the organismal level (including comparative physiology, functional morphology, biomechanics, and animal behavior), and evolutionary biology (including population genetics, evolutionary ecology, evolutionary morphology, macroevolution, biogeography, and systematics). Many faculty research programs span multiple research areas and levels of biological organization, creating a dynamic training environment for graduate students interested in cross-disciplinary training.
One of the central aims of the Biology Department is to enrich and support our community. To this end, the Biology Department has two Diversity Committees — one comprised of faculty and another of graduate students —in order to promote equity, reduce bias, embrace and increase diversity, and build respect, inclusion, and cultural competency among all members of the department. We particularly seek to support and serve those community members who are underrepresented or feel marginalized. In addition to supporting this community, we strive to promote diversity by cultivating future communities comprised of exceptional individuals from all backgrounds and identities. We believe that working toward these goals within the department strengthens that effort by building upon the intimacy, trust, and honesty fostered among a smaller community of people that know, respect, and feel safe around one another.
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